Skin Tag On Penis

  • Skin tags are small fleshy protuberances and can be confused with genital warts, so if you have any doubt, get checked. Other penis and scrotal bumps and lumps. Pearly penile papules are raised “pearly” bumps that appear around the corona (the base of the head of the penis).
  • Skin tags may appear anywhere on your body, but they are most common on body parts where the skin rubs against other skin, such as the folds of the armpits, neck, eyelids, and groin. The genitals are one area where skin tags develop.

Skin tags on your penis are no different or more harmful than if it were to be under your armpits, on your face or any other part of your body. There are quite harmless and do not pose a risk to your health. However, their location being on the genital could be a concern for some men, especially the sexually active ones.

The reason why skin tags on the penis and scrotum may occur is that there is an association with friction at the site where skin tags develop. It is mainly due to the friction that makes it possible for the skin to get irritated especially when repetition is involved.

Its presence could cause you some physical discomfort, if the cloth you wear irritates it. Its presence could also cause you a physiological trauma. Its appearance could also make you feel too self-conscious and ashamed of your body. For some individuals, this could make them lose sexual interest in the opposite sex or avoid engaging in sexual activities.

In removing the lumps on your penis, it is important you ensure that they are skin tags and nothing else. Some skin growths could be the symptoms of a disease or something critical and life-threatening.

For many individuals, it is common for them to mistakenly assume that skin tags are genital warts or herpes due to their location on the genital. To avoid making such an error, below is a brief explanation on what herpes and genital warts are and how to differentiate them from skin tags.

This little guide will help you to make the right diagnosis and let you avoid administering the wrong treatment to whatever skin growth you have on your body.

Genital Warts

Genital Warts (source)

Genital warts, not to be confused with general warts, are caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV). Although, genital warts and general warts are both caused by HPV, the strains responsible for them are different. Genital warts are only transmitted through sexual activity via penetration or oral.

They are most likely to appear on the genitalia – penis, scrotum, groin, thighs, inside the anus, mouth, tongue, or throat, etc.

It’s important to note that genital wart cannot be treated with over-the-counter mole or wart removers, as they don’t destroy the virus responsible for it. Rather, they tend to treat the symptom, which in itself isn’t enough.

Genital warts are usually pink, white or flesh-colored bumps (warts) in color. They are raised, flat, or shaped like cauliflower. You might have genital wart if your bumps itches a lot or bleed during intercourse. We recommend you visit a doctor when you perceive what you have is different from a skin tag.

Genital Herpes

Skin Tag On Penis

Image of genital herpes (source)

Genital herpes is also caused by a virus. The Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is the virus responsible for genital herpes. The virus that affects and causes a blister to form on the lips and mouth is known as HSV-1. HSV-2 is responsible for the blisters formed on and around the genitals – penis, anus, thighs, and buttocks. Genital herpes cannot be cured for now, but they are various antiviral drugs that can be taken to minimize its outbreak.

One of the symptoms associated with genital herpes includes fluid-filled blisters on the skin, resulting in painful sores.

Skin Tags

Skin tags, on the other hand, are not caused by virus. They are small flaps of tissue hanging on the skin by a connecting stalk. Unlike herpes and genital warts, they cannot be transmitted by engaging in sexual activities.

The plausible explanation for their cause so far has been due to

  1. Friction: the constant rubbing between the genital and your clothing might lead to the appearance of skin tags to form on your private region.
  2. Genetics: some study has shown that a link might exist between skin tags and genetics. It is not uncommon for some individuals to have inherited it from their parents.

How to Get Rid Of Penile Skin Tags

Since, we can easily distinguish skin tags from genital herpes and genital warts, It’s time we got rid of the skin tags that appears on the penis or anywhere around the genital.

As it is currently, you have two options when it comes to removing the skin tags on your penis.

  1. Removal by a doctor
  2. The use of natural remedy and over-the-counter-solution

Removal by a Doctor

When you choose to have your skin tags removed by a doctor, you’re given various options to choose from.Ligation – involves tying off the skin tag to cut off blood supply to the skin tag, resulting in its death, causing it to dry off and eventually fall off.

Skin Tag On Penis Cancer

Cryogenics / Freezing: Use of liquid at a very low temperature to kill the tissue of the skin tag

Cauterization: Skin tags are removed with the use and application of electricity or heat to the tissues of the skin tags.

Skin Tag On Penis

Surgical Excision: Skin tag is removed by cutting off with a sharp knife, usually a scalpel or scissor.

Home Remedies and Over-The-Counter Treatment

While a visit to a doctor might be all that is required to take care of the skin growth on your penis, you might not have the time to schedule a visit or the cost might be too much for you. Luckily for you, there are various OTC treatments that you can use to get rid of your skin tags without having to step a foot in a doctor’s office.

Home Remedies (Natural Treatment)

The following home treatment options are quite popular and very effective for treating skin tags on your penis and other parts of the body.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Over-the-Counter Treatment Options

Products like the TagBand are very effective in dealing with medium to larger sized skin tags on your penis by cutting off blood flow to the skin tag(s).

Skin Tag On Penis Cancer

You could also use a wart removal cream to get rid of skin tags.

Tips and Warnings:

If you notice an adverse reaction to the use of any of the home remedy solutions, cease treatment immediately. For most skin tags, they usually dry up and go away in about 2 to 6 weeks.

Do not pick at scab formed during the treatment process to avoid scarring your skin or becoming infected.

Do not attempt to cut off skin tags on your own when it appears on sensitive areas like the penis as you could end up bleeding a lot or get infected.

When in doubt about the nature of a bump on your penis, or if the characteristic keep changing, please visit a doctor for a proper checkup .