Pavement Design/Analysis Software
- Download now (16 Page). Dust-free and provides good skid resistance. The software for rigid pavement design thickness is developed that may minimize the time.
- Table of Contents Pavement Analysis And Design 2nd Edition PDF Free Download. Stresses and Strains in Flexible Pavements. KENLAYER Computer Program. Stresses and Deflections in Rigid Pavements. KENSLABS Computer Program. Traffic Loading and Volume. Material Characterization. Drainage Design.
- AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is the next generation of pavement design software, which builds upon the NCHRP mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide, and expands and improves the features of the original prototype computational software. AASHTOWare Pavement ME Design is a production-ready software tool to support the day-to-day operations.
Welcome to PaveXpress. A simplified pavement design tool for flexible and rigid pavements using AASHTO 93/98. A simplified pavement design tool for local engineers, consultants, and students. A simplified pavement design tool to help scope projects more effectively. IIT Pave Software and Design of Pavements: Design of Unreinforced and Reinforced Pavements, Geosynthetics, Ground Improvement Techniques. Requirements Basic Knowledge of Pavements, Flexible and Rigid pavements, Usage of Geosynthetics in construction. Description Course Objectives/Outcomes.
Important Note:
The following programs can be downloaded and be used by students in CE475 or CE575 for educational purposes only.
KENPAVE: This suite includes KENLAYER and KENSLAB. It is provided on a CD with the textbook (2003 edition).
Download Example on 5-layer analysis using Kenpave:
Description of the problem PDF File,
Input .dat files 1 and 2 (Note: file 1 for q=85 psi, and file 2 for q=120 psi)
Output text files 1 and 2 (Kenpave output files)
Analysis and Plots Excel File
Rigid Pavement Design software, free download Free
WinJULEA This is a demo version of the software, which is under development for the AASHTO 2002 design guide. The copy posted here is the one available on the NHI course 131064 CD (FHWA, April 2002). No support or manual is available.
CHEVPCThis is a PC version of the Fortran program of the Chevron Elastic Layer Analysis program.
WESLEA Waterways Engineering Station Elastic Layer Analysis Pavement Suite.

AASHTO_EALF.xls An Excel Tool developed by Dr. Bayomy for the AASHTO Equivalent Axle Load Factors for Flexible and Rigid pavements.
AASHTO_Rigid.xls An Excel Tool developed by the FHWA Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) program to supplement the AASHTO pavement rigid design system. For help on the use of this Excel tool, you can download its instruction text file.
PCAPAV For damage analysis of PCC pavements based on the PCA design method. This DOS-based program was released in 1990. Download Example File.
You can obtain information on how to obtain your own copy from the American Concrete Pavement Association (ACPA) web site.
Rigid Pavement Design software, free download
MODULUS 5.1 Backcalculation Program (Texas Transportation
Rigid Pavement Design software, free download Pdf
DARWin 2.0 (Pavement Design, Analysis and Rehabilitation for Windows).
This is a proprietary AASHTOWARE computer software product. The UI have a license for this software. It is available at the Highway Design Lab (BEL 117). Campus students are required to use it for their design activities. Video students are also encouraged to use it if they have an access to it, but not required. To obtain your copy, contact AASHTO.
WINFLEX 2000 A mechanistic-empirical overlay design system for flexible pavements. This software is developed by Dr. Fouad Bayomy under research contracts with Idaho transportation Department (ITD) at the UI Center for Transportation Infrastructure (CTI) of the National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT). To download the program, examples and user guide, click here.